Legend of the Seeker: Tribune Dumps Show But May Not Be Cancelled
from tvseriesfinale.com:
While the second season of Legend of the Seeker is still airing, a significant decision has already been made about the possibility of season three.
Legend of the Seeker is a fantasy series about a young woodsman (Craig Horner) who discovers he is actually destined to be a heroic Seeker. The series also stars [...]
Save our Seeker! (Season 3 campaign)
Well ladies and gents, lovely Erika over at the Confessor and Seeker Society has put together a huge list of places you can write to in support of Seeker and to show them that fans want a third season. The list includes Seeker sponsors!
Get to it, everyone!
Legend of the Seeker Canceled? Tribune Confirms It’s Not Renewing for a 3rd Season
from tvbythenumbers.com:
Categorized | 4-Featured, Syndicated TV Show Ratings
Legend of the Seeker Canceled? Tribune Confirms It’s Not Renewing for a 3rd Season
Posted on 04 March 2010 by Robert Seidman
Legend of the Seeker look likely to be canceled.
Fans are in a tizzy about a story that quotes a corporate relations SVP at Tribune Company:
A representative from [...]
Concern about Seeker not getting a Season 3 renewal?
Tweeted this afternoon by Mike Sussman, writer and co-exec producer:
WrittenByMikeS The truth AFAIK: Tribune renewed us for season 2 in Jan09 & as of today we don’t YET have renewal from them for season 3. It is a concern.
Personally, I’m not too worried yet. ABC is having its own troubles elsewhere [...]
Bridget just loves teasing us with deleted tweets!
Thanks to Jace at terrygoodkind.com for sussing this all out…
He posted:
Interesting “now deleted” tweet by Bridget Regan……
I would post the link but she has since deleted this most recent tweet for whatever reason. As most know she (Regan) has dropped hints as to the show this season and then been deleting them. The last time [...]
Want a 3rd season? Here’s how you can help…
Mike Sussman (writer, co-exec. prod) tweeted recently in support of the idea of a 3rd season and asked folks to start the write-in campaign!
And here’s how you can do it, easy:
1. Visit this site, pick a postcard, and print it out.
2. Visit herblueeyes.com to find out where to send it (your [...]

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crackier…
…another chepic picspam from Deej over at Sword of Lies!
Its……………………Like A Virgin! – Gay For Kahlan partaaay!
John Rhys-Davis to star on Seeker!
Juicy bit of info culled from an old Xena fandom source…
When I interviewed Craig Horner for a Xenite.Org feature article last week, he mentioned that John Rhys-Davies (Gimli from “The Lord of the Rings”, Sallah from “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, Professor Maximilian Arturo on Sliders, and many more) had recently completed guest-starring on an [...]

Only a little bit of time left to enter…
A sorcerer crossed paths with Zedd, causing him to accidentally put Richard, Kahlan, Cara and Darken Rahl under a love spell. Now, only you can help Zedd. To be released from the spell, they must find the perfect match. Are you the one? You could break the spell [...]