Legend of the Seeker Canceled? Tribune Confirms It’s Not Renewing for a 3rd Season

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Legend of the Seeker Canceled? Tribune Confirms It’s Not Renewing for a 3rd Season
Posted on 04 March 2010 by Robert Seidman

Legend of the Seeker look likely to be canceled.

Fans are in a tizzy about a story that quotes a corporate relations SVP at Tribune Company:

A representative from the Tribune Company is now saying that Legend of the Seeker will not be renewed for a third season.

When e-mailed for comment by KSiteTV and by others, this is what he said:

Dear Craig,

Thanks for your email and for your support of the show. Unfortunately, not enough viewers felt the same way as you and “Seeker’s” ratings do not merit renewing it. I’m sorry.

Gary Weitman
SVP/Corporate Relations
Tribune Company

I contacted Mr. Weitman who was extremely responsive and sensitive to the plight of the fans, but confirmed that the ratings did not merit Tribune sticking with it for a 3rd season.

Legend of the Seeker is an ABC Studios production distributed by ABC Domestic television but seemingly airing primarily (and perhaps exclusively) on Tribune-owned stations with the WGN America superstation having the widest coverage.

I have contacted ABC in hopes of tracking down someone who can advise on whether ABC Domestic Television might attempt to syndicate it anyway despite the Tribune Station Group not picking it up. If I find out anything else I will post it.

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