Bruce Spence and Craig Parker to appear at RingCon in October…
RingCon is a fantasy convention held in Germany. This year, it’s happening on October 15 – 17, and two of the confirmed guest stars are Bruce Spence (Zedd) and Craig Parker (Darken Rahl). If you’re anywhere near there in October, go go go!
See the complete RingCon guest list.
Terry Goodkind offers support for the Save Our Seeker campaign…
…in a post on the legendoftheseeker.org forums:
Terry Goodkind Offering Full Support
Good afternoon everyone,
On behalf of Terry Goodkind, we are here to offer our fullest support to the “Save Our Seeker” campaign. We have reached out to the campaign organizers and have started discussing ways in which Terry Goodkind, as the author and creator [...]

Ad Chosen for “Save Our Seeker” LEGEND OF THE SEEKER Campaign, to Run Friday in VARIETY
From TheTorchOnline:
Save Our Seeker, the online campaign to encourage a third season of the syndicated fantasy show Legend of the Seeker, has let fans vote on which of four ads they should place in Variety — and fans have chosen a winner (below).
Last week, concerned by reports that the show had been canceled, Save Our [...]
Katrina Law’s AHOPE For Children PSA
Katrina played a Mord-Sith in “Walter”, and also plays Mira in “Spartacus: Blood and Sand”. She’s done a PSA for World AIDS Orphan day this Friday, May 7th.
Find out more about World AIDS Orphan day at World AIDS Orphans Day:
and AHOPE for Children:
The Save Our Seeker Campaign is still on!
There’s a petition going, and a Variety ad planned!
Visit AUSXIP to find out more!
Also visit saveourseeker.com!
Seeker cancelled? 99% likely…
According to these sources:
Tweet by Bridget, 4/26: Got some news that Seeker is no more. So sad to say goodbye to my NZ family but excited for what’s next.
Tweet by Syfy channel, 4/26: Legend of the Seeker fans, we considered LOTS seriously, but for a variety of reasons, we unfortunately had to pass on the [...]
Tor Signs Three Book Deal With Terry Goodkind
NEW YORK, April 19 /PRNewswire/ — Tor Books is proud to announce the return of New York Times bestselling author Terry Goodkind to their list. The first book in the 3-book deal will be a new Richard and Kahlan novel, due in early 2011. Richard and Kahlan are the principle characters from his previous New [...]
Keep of Aydindril is back online…
…after some hiccups, you can now view the site at a new home: http://www.farfarawaysite.com/legend
Woo! New promo video at terrygoodkind.com….
…looks like there’s going to be a new Richard & Kahlan book out next year! Awesome!
Check it out!
Hell to the Yes: Legend of the Seeker Ain’t Dead Yet!
…the latest from E!Online:
Great news, Legend of the Seeker fans! You may have heard rumors that your show had been canceled, but we just talked with an inside source close to the show, and well, the rumors are just not true.
Yes, the Tribune Station Group is dropping Legend of the Seeker in a lot of [...]