New behind-the-scenes pic from Bridget…
… Thanks to Bridget for sharing it with us via her Twitter post, “One weird thing: my nails are so clean these days.” Her caption for the photo: “The Kahlan special dirt manicure.”
Katrina Law’s AHOPE For Children PSA
Katrina played a Mord-Sith in “Walter”, and also plays Mira in “Spartacus: Blood and Sand”. She’s done a PSA for World AIDS Orphan day this Friday, May 7th.
Find out more about World AIDS Orphan day at World AIDS Orphans Day:
and AHOPE for Children:
New behind-the-scenes pics of Dayna…
…and her broken honker! Plus one from the very first Seeker ep, “Prophecy”! Dayna Chiplin is Bridget’s stunt double.
Thanks to Dayna for sharing these with us via her Facebook account. Her caption for this one: “My broken nose on LOTS woo hoo check that hooter out, i meant my nose, ha ha”
New wallpaper from Bastiaan…
…in 3 different sizes. Click the pic to see ‘em all!
New Behind the Scenes pic, courtesy of Bridget…
It’s of Bridget and her stunt double, Dayna Chiplin:
Thanks to Bridget for sharing it with all of us via Twitter!
Interview with Jolene Blalock (Nicci #1)…
…thanks to VX50.com. Here’s a snippet:
Can you tell us a little bit more about your character Sister Nicci or Sister of the Dark?
Sister Nicci…Sister of the Dark or Sister of the Light…I just believe that she has lost focus of the bigger picture because she’s become blinded by her own passion–the passion of her [...]
Interview with Katrina Law over at AUSXIP
Katrina Law plays a Mord’Sith later this season. Here’s a snippet from the interview:
You have a guest role on Legend of the Seeker as a Mord’Sith coming up. Did you know anything about the show before getting the role?
I was really excited about Legend of the Seeker when I first saw the promos for [...]
Part 2 of Bridget’s TVStar.com interview…
Here’s a snippet:
You’ve said that Kahlan is noble and strong and always does the right thing. You’ve also said you wonder how she can be “so good” all the time. What do you think it is with Kahlan and the people she loves and the world she lives in that inspire her to [...]
TV.com interview with CraigH
(from March 12)…here’s a snippet:
Seeking out Legend of the Seeker’s Craig Horner
Legend of the Seeker fans sounded a collective ‘nay’ last week when a representative from the Tribune Company (which owns most of the stations that air the syndicated show) revealed it would not be interested in a third season. There’s been no official announcement [...]