
New trailer coming!

Exciting news from the LotS Facebook site:
There’s a brand new “Legend of the Seeker” trailer on its way, and we’ll have it first! Become a fan of the show on Facebook now, add it to your profile, and be one of the first to [...]

More unconfirmed casting news...

More unconfirmed casting news…

Note: When I say “unconfirmed”, I mean that nothing official has come from Disney about these castings.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, one of Australia’s National Institute of Dramatic Art alumni, Jessica Marais, has landed a spot on LotS. No mention of who she’s playing, however. Here’s the small mention of it:
She [...]

More episode titles…

Thanks to Mystar trickling this information down to us from The Powers That Be (TPTB):
I’ve heard the next three episodes are
104: Bounty (I gave you this already)
105: Brennidon
106: Listener
Woo! Just about 3 more weeks to go!

Unconfirmed casting news...

Unconfirmed casting news…

According to her official website, Anna Hutchison has been cast as “Bronwyn”. And….you guessed it…she’s also a Power Ranger!
Unofficial Power Ranger alumni count is now at 4 (Anna, Craig Parker, David de Lautour, Jason Smith). Hmmm.

Small casting blurb from Sydney’s Daily Telegraph

Seeking success
HOME And Away’s Jason Smith has joined fellow countrymen Bruce Spence and Craig Horner as well as Jay Laga’aia in New Zealand for the cast of new US syndicated series Legend Of The Seeker.
The fantasy show (based on The Sword Of Truth novels about a missing wizard) is from Sam Raimi, who also directed [...]

Newsarama article and pics...

Newsarama article and pics…

“Popular Fantasy Books Inspire Sam Raimi’s New TV ‘Legend’”
It’s an interview with Ken Biller, writer/executive producer for LotS.
An excerpt:
“That said, it’s also a real bonus being able to shoot in New Zealand. As people will see in the two-hour premiere of Legend of the Seeker, it provides for some pretty amazing scenery, not to mention [...]

TV Week article about LotS and Rob Tapert

Here’s an excerpt from the article “Master of Fantasy: Rob Tapert”:
Shot in New Zealand, “Legend” follows woodsman Richard Cypher, who discovers he has magical powers. Teaming up with the mysterious Kahlan and the wizard Zedd, the group sets out to stop an evil tyrant.
“At heart, Sam and I are independents and mavericks,” Mr. Tapert [...]

Image gallery revamp finished

I’ve reworked the image gallery pages with the new hi-res versions of the pictures (where applicable). I also added screen captures of the new pics.
Once we know which episodes these pictures go to, I’ll be breaking down the galleries into season/episode pages.

New slideshow at

Check out the official site for a handful of new images from the show to whet your appetite.

Legend vs. Knight Rider smackdown? (SCIFI Wire) has a small article assessing LotS and seeing how it stacks up against the new Knight Rider. (why, oh why?)
Here’s an excerpt:
“The Outlook: Since Hercules and Xena left the small screen, syndication hasn’t been a viable option for scripted drama. Originally titled Wizard’s First Rule, Legend of the Seeker won’t wink [...]